Thursday, 31 December 2009

Ameican bulldog puppies Bailey and Tiger.

Here is a picture of a female american bulldog puppy age 4 weeks.

Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Dinner time for the pups

American bulldog puppies tucking into some high protein grub

Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Big american bulldog Bozo

Getting a neck rub

Max up the Ochills

Max enjoying the climb in january 09 in Scotland with Bubba


My little angel at nine weeks, she will definately NOT be a big american bulldog, she was the smallest pup in the litter and is just the same colours as big americans MAX..

Max and conkers

Max and his daughter conkers celebrating christmas.


One of the males from max and eva born october 09

Monday, 28 December 2009

Beth sporting our new weighted collars.JPG

American bulldogs breeding

Bozo and cash tied after doin the business pups due end of feb

American bulldog tyred

Bozo the big american bulldog chewing a tyre

American bulldog playing with tyre

American bulldogs love chewing tyres, this is Bozo earlier today after a couple mile walk. He is only just 12months old and already 130lb. He has an amazing temperament. Check out the website to see video clips of him and my other americanbulldogs.

Saturday, 26 December 2009

Does anyone own an american bulldog and if so what are the good and bad points about them? | Answerbag

Does anyone own an american bulldog and if so what are the good and bad points about them? Answerbag


they are an amazing breed they are alot healthier than british bulldogs, I have some great info on my wesite also here is another picture of an american bulldog he is called max and weighs over 130lb

American bulldog

Max the big american bulldog photo taken whilst out hill walking in january 09 in the scottish hills

Brooke American bulldog

Today Brook has been on a 6mile run which she breezed, I got to about the 5 mile point where I reach a steep hill, I was running flat out and she was just trotting along not even breathing heavy (unlike me) looking up at me as if to say is that all you got. She is probably the fitest American bulldog we own, she is out of Max and Charlie she is 16 month old 26'' to the shoulder and very powerfull and athletic.She could easily out run Max even though he is quite fit and could easily complete the distance she would do it in half the time. This is one of the reasons I bred max with charlie has charlie was a very big standard looking bitch with bags of speed and power. I'm just glad brook looks more like her dad with a bully looking face and big bottom lip. She has got a bit of filling out to do yet and Im hoping she will be around the 45 - 50 kg mark when fully developed.

American bulldog

Another picture of brook

American bulldog

Brook our new adition

American bulldog

Brook age 16month

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Big American Bulldogs

We pride ourselves on breeding top quality massive strong muscular and powerful bully looking american bulldogs with fantastic temeraments. we have been breeding dogs for years now and have started to sell our own dog food which we have had specificaly designed for the american bulldog. It contains all the right nutriants required for your dog, chicken, rice, seaweed, and dried egg. We feed all our dogs on this and they look fantastic.